Start Detoxing and Cleansing at Home
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Start Detoxing and Cleansing at Home

Start Detoxing and Cleansing at Home

Phase I: Weaning

The weaning period is one (1) week before starting. Your should start incorporating more water into your daily intake. Include a smoothie or two per day. In this week “HAVE YOUR CRAVINGS”. We recommend getting them out of the way so that mentally you are satisfied and the thoughts, smells and sights that come up won’t distract you.

Phase II: Detox

The Detox period must be done for at least three (3) days. Three days gives your body time to flush itself and get past the worst of detox symptoms. You may detox as long as you feel necessary. Listen to your body! Read More about Detox Symptoms below.

“How do I know when “MY” detox cycle has ended?”

Phase III: Nutrient Boost

The Nutrient Boost period can last 4 or more days. Yes you can live on the Nutrition Boost or Juice Feast meal plans for life. We don’t because eating is social and we all want a roll of sushi or a burger every now and again. In this phase you with be taking in a diverse variety of produce as juices or smoothies. In this phase you will be consuming more food and nutrients than most of your daily diet which is why we call it the Boost or Feast. From, fruits, vegetables and nuts you may have never consumed or only have eaten cooked, you will receive the fullest nutrient absorption  in liquid form within 15 – 20 minutes from these foods.

Phase IV (A): Integration

The Integration period is one (1) week before making permanent upgrades to your normal eating habits. In this week you will begin to wake up your digestive system by reintroducing fiber or soft solid foods into your diet. Soups, Smoothies, whole fruits. On each day replace one liquid meal with a soft solid until you find a balance that works for your goals and energy levels. We recommend keeping the water intake you have increased to successfully, a juice or smoothie for breakfast and snacking on whole raw fruits and vegetables as mono-meals.

Phase IV (B): Reintegration

The Reintegration period is one (1) week before return to your normal eating habits. In this week  you will begin to wake up your digestive system by reintroducing fiber or soft solid foods into your diet. Soups, Smoothies, whole fruits. On each day replace one liquid meal with a soft solid until all meals are as you wish them to be.

Phase V: Reboot

You can reboot to habits in intervals of:
Every 2 weeks intermittent fast. Practice 2 weeks reduced meals, raw and vegan. Then 2 weeks of normal feasting. Not Pigging out here but less restrictive based on your habits as they develop and adjust. Or seasonally which would would be every 3 – 6 months.

Practice all of the above in 7 days or more sprints with the affirmation to yourself to improve your diet one step at a time daily. And if you miss a day, slip or cheat, get back on the wagon with the next meal or drink. Take corrective actions like downing a glass of water, kombucha or a green smoothie. You’ll get the serotonin you needed that made you slip and you’ll nourish your body or help your gut to process and clean up the that tiny mistake. 


Can I return my bottles to you for recycling?
What are signs of detoxing?
How do I know when “MY” detox cycle has ended?
Can you live on juice or smoothies? How long?
Why do I have to drink so much?
What if I feel hungry?
Can I have any solid food?
What is a Mono Meal?
Why Journal?

Can I return my bottles to you for recycling?

Only wide mouth smoothie jars and large growlers 64oz or more. We are not equipped as a recycling plant. If you want to bring back your bottles they must be washed and sanitized of all food material to avoid mold, bacteria and mildew growth before return. Please inspect all glass rims to be sure there are no chips in the glass.

Bottles in approved condition will be taken back and further cleaned for reuse. Otherwise, please be responsible, Reuse or Recycle your bottles appropriately.

What are signs of detoxing?

Detox symptoms may include headache, pains, cravings, fatigue and tiredness. These symptoms generally last 1-4 days. If you weaned yourself onto your juice package the chances and length of detox symptoms are lessened.

How to know when the detox cycle has ended?

Everyone is different. DO NOT judge yourself based on other’s experiences. Listen to your body, it tells you what you need. When you are no longer sluggish, or feeling heavy, when bowel movements have become frequent and liquidy these are signs that your body has flushed itself. Increased energy and clarity of thought are other signs that your body has reset and reboot itself.

Can you live on juice or smoothies? How long?

Yes. You can live on the Nutrition Boost or Juice Feast meal plans for life. We don’t because eating is a social activity and we all want a roll of sushi or burger every now and again.

Why do I have to drink so much?

Why do you have to eat so much in a day, because you CAN NOT starve yourself!

Juicing is not actually fasting. We call it a “Juice Feast” because during this time you are taking in more nutrients that your body will absorb in 15 minutes than you normally chew in a day. You need to have 64 – 96 ounces of juice per day if not consuming any raw fruits, nuts or vegetables ( if you are 32 – 64 oz of juice is enough ) along with your weight in ounces of water ( i.e. If you weigh 150 lbs you need to drink 150 ounces of water ) to help flush your body.

What if I feel hungry?

DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! If you feel hungry, drink water, drink another juice or smoothie, sip slowly. Do not chug your juices or smoothies. Chew your juice before swallowing to release enzymes and prepare your body for nutrients that your saliva has marked for absorption.

Drinking herbal teas, lemon or lime water, water with apple cider vinegar ( only with the mother ), water with chia seeds or sole water are acceptable to help with flushing, feeding cells and the detoxing process.

Can I have any solid food?

Yes. If you have done all the above and drank all your juices for the day or you have an event to attend during your detox you can chew food. We recommend only raw foods until 4PM and then you may have one (1) cooked meal that contains NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS. Foods must be fresh, not packaged or processed and do not use a microwave.

Raw salads, bean salads, fruit salads, green salads, vegetable medleys or nut mixes are great quick prep meals. Mono Meals are great replacements when you run out of juice.

What is a Mono Meal?

Mono meals are meals of one single item as much as you want to consume until your taste buds change and no longer like the taste of the food. This is the indication that your body has received what it needed and no longer wants anymore. Do Not stuff yourself or force yourself to eat more. Mono Meal examples are 10 bananas, 2 bunches of grapes, 8 mangoes, 3 apples etc.

Why Journal?

Throughout this journey it is important to listen to your body. Our lives are very very busy so we don’t always stop to listen to it. Journaling during this time will help you to see where you started how you felt and how you have progressed during this time. It will help you to understand the value of this time you have given your body to rest and reset.